Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm not an actor, I not a star

This is my letter to the Editor of the Star last week but it was not printed.

The recent Perak State Assembly sitting (illegal or otherwise) reminds me of the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee’s movie called “Laksmana Do Re Mi” where the Ruler from “Kerajaan Pasir Dua Butir” (Kingdom of Two Sand Grains) held audience under a tree.

This time, it’s the Speaker that did it. Whether he wants to be the ruler and start a new kingdom or trying to act out a remake of the film is best known to him.

As a concerned citizen, I wish to remind our elected representatives that we are facing hard times now. There is no room and time to be comedians. We the Raayat are not laughing. We need your leadership to get this country into calmer weather. Instead, you are thinning the resources of our police force and also of the courts with all the police reports, the suing and counter suing each other.

This is a lyric from a song by one of the Malaysian group (I can’t remember the group’s name) but the title is Ape ape aje (Whatever) and it goes something like this “Buat apa gado gado sama kita .. Malaysia kita ini kecik aje ... kalo semua gado sape nak jaga" (“Why do we need to fight among ourselves, our Malaysia is so small. If we all fight, who will be taking care of it?”

So, to all the leaders, if all of you want to be actors, who will be the singers?