Monday, May 11, 2009

Behave yourselves, Mr. Politicians

I am not one that writes to about political topics but after reading the newspapers and watching the news recently, I felt that I should write this on my blog.

A few years ago, I used to laugh when I saw politicians in foreign countries (Taiwan and a couple others) behaving like children and hooligans during their parliamentary sittings. I thought to myself, 'How can they behave like this? It will never happen in Malaysia with our culture and modest upbringing'. I now realised that I was terribly wrong.

It saddens me and I am sure many Malaysians feel that way too. Seeing our elected representatives climbing on tables and acting worse than school children. These elected representatives, whether they are from the government or the opposition should act and behave like gentlemen and ladies befitting their stature.

They should be examples to the rakyat and the future generations. The speech by YTM Raja Muda of Perak touched on Mat Rempits, Global Economic situations and the Flu Epidemic that is affecting not only the world but also our great country. Already these are serious matters that needs to be looked into by our elected leaders but with these leaders acting the way they did at the Perak State Assembly, Who is going to look into them?

My overseas visitors are already asking me if my country is stable because it does not look that way on TV.

As a simple Malaysian who is trying to make an honest living during these tough times, I would like to ask these elected representatives, to behave themselves and work for the people. Your actions are worse than the Mat Rempits and the world is laughing at not only you but also at us, the simple Malaysians because we have elected incapable leaders who have acted like clowns in a circus.

Atleast at the circus, we laugh when we see clowns and their antics.

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